What resonates with you?

I’ve been re-reading a book about engaging audiences called Resonate: Present Visual Stories That Transform Audiences, by Nancy Duarte. The full book is available to read online, but I also bought the print copy because I like to support people who provide free materials (that’s another topic!)

Resonate - Multimedia Book

The book is full of gems about connecting with people, presenting new ideas, and compelling others to question their own ideas and beliefs. As I leaf through the book, this time using a dog training lens, so many things are popping out at me! If you get a chance to browse through, do you see what could help you with your own practice? Here are questions I’ve jotted down so far:

  • What are some ways to make information meaningful?
  • How much of what you say to clients is about YOU? Your knowledge and experience? Your reasons for doing x? Your beliefs?
  • How much “noise” do you contribute to your classes?