Home Sweet Home

I’ve been away for a week in Ontario. Half of the trip was spent with great friends. Lots of good belly laughs! Then the other half was spent inside a convention centre in Hamilton. Not enough fresh air and exercise, lousy coffee and too much of i…

I’ve been away for a week in Ontario. Half of the trip was spent with great friends. Lots of good belly laughs! Then the other half was spent inside a convention centre in Hamilton. Not enough fresh air and exercise, lousy coffee and too much of it (why does that happen?), and musty carpet fumes. Gag. Am I ever glad to get back to this.






The List

photo by Rachel Gardner After about a million clues I began to suspect that I had food allergies. Last month I decided to get tested and figure out once and for all which foods I should be avoiding. The List Cows and everything to do with cows (be…


photo by Rachel Gardner

After about a million clues I began to suspect that I had food allergies. Last month I decided to get tested and figure out once and for all which foods I should be avoiding. 

The List

  • Cows and everything to do with cows (beef, milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc)
  • Goat’s milk
  • Eggs
  • Gluten and gliadin (wheat, barley, rye, etc)
  • Malt
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts
  • Pineapple
  • Garlic
  • Green beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Soy
  • Brewer’s Yeast
  • Mushrooms

The first words out of my Naturopath’s mouth when the results came back were “Don’t panic”. So I didn’t, and for the last 3 weeks I’ve successfully eliminated everything from the list. After another 3 weeks I will begin to introduce items one by one to see how I react. Hmmm, I think I’ll start with beer. 🙂

As long as I eat at home it’s not too difficult to eat well. I focus on what I CAN have, and through the process have discovered some new foods and pretty good recipes. I realize that even if I didn’t have food allergies, it was time for a change. It’s easy to get into a pattern of grabbing what is easy, and that doesn’t usually involve chopping vegetables for 30 minutes, or perfecting a salad dressing recipe. 

Going to restaurants is a challenge. It turns out just about everything has wheat or soy.

The good news is that many of my symptoms are already beginning to disappear. Inflammation was my biggest problem, along with achy joints and muscles. This week I was able to do full strokes in my rowing scull for the first time all summer because my knee now bends all the way!